Today, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse closes the eclipse cycle that began 2 weeks ago with the New Moon Solar Eclipse Equinox. Both of these eclipses in this passage are "total" and that energy acts as a magnet, a vortex of intense power. This has been a very powerful and intense time, and it's not over yet!
This is a wonderful opportunity and invitation for you to go within and connect with the powerful energies of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, to help you transform your life from the inside out.
Find a place where you can go outside and stand under the light of the moon. If you are unable to go outside or cannot see the moon, simply set an intention to connect with the energy of the Full Moon. It is also a wonderful time to work with crystals, especially clear quartz crystals, if you have them.
When you are ready, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes, taking several deep breaths, until you feel relaxed.
Bring your awareness to your heart center and let your heart fill up with the energy of LOVE.
Let your heart center now connect with the heart of the Full Moon.
Feel your heart light expand with more and more LOVE.
Feel yourself entering into the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Portal.
Set an intention to release everything that is no longer necessary or beneficial for you on all levels of your being. Release all lower vibrational energies: anger, worry, fear, anxiety, separation, pain, guilt, depression and hatred into the light of the Full Moon.
Release all thoughts, ideas, words, beliefs and habits that are not in alignment with your Highest Self.
Release everything that is holding you back from being truly you, so that you can stand fully in your power and shine your light brightly in the world around you.
Let the eclipse energy magnify your dreams, visions and intentions.
Let the energy and light of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse help to bring even more Love, Light, Joy, Peace, Clarity, Grace and Magic into your life on all levels.
Call this energy into your life now.
Call it in.
All of it.
Step into it.
Open to receive.
Feel the light of the Full Moon shine brightly in your heart center, illuminating and inspiring you in new ways.
Breathe the light and energy of the Full Moon into your body.
Feel this energy transform you on a deep cellular level, uplifting your energy and raising your vibration.
In this expanded heart space send out a WAVE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE across the planet, touching and uplifting every person, child, animal, plant, mineral, water, land, elemental, and the heart center of Gaia.
Feel the vibration and Wave of Love, Light and Peace transforming the world RIGHT NOW.
Imagine a large Pyramid of Crystal Love Light activating the heart center of every person on the planet.
Visualize a Light Grid activating the power points around the planet.
With your mind's eye, see all of the Pyramids activating around the planet, both on the surface, above the surface and under the surface of the planet, creating a grid of Light.
Breathe in LOVE.
Breathe out LOVE.
Feel that you are ONE with all life.
Coming back to your heart center, breathe in the energy of Gratitude and when you are ready open your eyes.
Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse beloved friends!
Let your heart light shine!
In Lak'ech
You are another Me ~ I am another You
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It is done.
♥ ♥ ♥
All my LOVE, Marla ♥
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