Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I want to share a message with you all that I lovingly received from Gaia (the spirit of Mother Earth) in honor of EARTH DAY! As you read this message, connect with Gaia. May your hearts be filled with LOVE! Thank you Gaia for this loving message!

"Beloved ones, I am Gaia and I love you all. Thank you so much for listening to your hearts and coming together across the globe throughout this weekend to celebrate Earth Day. As you know, Earth Day is not just one single day, it is every day!

This weekend is special as it has brought you all together in unified intention to focus on gratitude, love, peace, light, hope, change, action, compassion and forgiveness. Over 1 billion beautiful beings around the planet are united together in their hearts as they celebrate, dance and honor their collective home. Indeed it is time to celebrate!

You are all an incredible force for change dear ones. You are so powerful, especially when you connect with your heart centers and come together as a group in unity consciousness.

Beloved ones, you are so special, so unique, so precious, so beautiful and so powerful. You are all so loved!

Keep the momentum from this Earth Day celebration in your hearts every day. You can always connect with the heart of the planet, in each moment to help ground you, nurture you and hold you.

I am here to embrace you and all the other beings on the surface with unconditional love. You are safe dear ones. You are never alone. You are always held in my loving embrace.

As you begin to live in a new way, you will start to have a deeper heart connection with all life around you - trees, plants, animals, crystals, the waters, the land and with all life. You will start to understand how everything is deeply connected in an intricate web of life.

Life is a sacred dance of love, joy and balance. Life is happening all around you - in full vibrant colors, sounds and vibrations.

We are all ONE heart dear ones!
We are all united consciousness!
We are all LOVE!

Spend more time walking barefoot. Take time to smell the flowers. Dance with the sheer joy of being alive.

What treasures in your hearts can you begin to uncover and share with all those around you? What songs do crystals sing? What are the messages of the animal kingdom? What artwork can you see in nature? How can you connect with the elements?

As you begin to slow down your vibration to connect with the natural rhythms of the planet, magic will begin to open up and flow in your lives in entirely new ways. Life will become joyful and more meaningful. You will start to feel alive! You will be free!

Dear ones, you are collectively remembering a different time on the surface of the planet where all life was lived together harmoniously in peace, love and joy. Everyone followed their true heart songs and life was experienced and lived to the fullest in each unfolding now moment.

Dear ones, you are awakening to your full potential as beings of light and love.

You are remembering that your HOME is where your heart is.

When you travel around the world, connect deep with my heart and I will guide you. Be open to receive messages. I will teach you songs. I will embrace you with my eternal love.

It is time to open your hearts to experience love in a deeper and more expansive way.

Thank you all for honoring me this weekend with the Earth Day celebrations happening around the world. It is such a beautiful gift!

May your hearts be filled with love, grace, peace and joy.
We are all united.
We are all ONE.

HAPPY EARTH DAY beloved family!
I love you all more than you can possibly know!
Thank you!"

All my LOVE, Marla ♥

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