Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Beltane, beloved friends!

Beltane is a time to celebrate fertility, spring renewal and Mother Earth. Beltane falls on May 1st and is the half way point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.

People dance by the light of bonfires at night and joyfully play with flowers in their hair during the day. It is a time to celebrate life, dream about the world and honor the coming summer. Some people can see fairies playing in nature at this time as the magic between worlds is open to all who seek. Having an open heart will open new doors in the world around you and will allow you to feel new levels of divine love.

Spend the day today dressed in bright colors, dancing around the May Pole and wearing flowers in your hair.

Let yourself be beautiful!
Let yourself shine!
Let yourself be as radiant as the sun!

Beltane is about the sacred union between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. How can you bring this balance of the feminine and the masculine more into your life? How can you celebrate your life on all levels, as fully integrated, complete and whole? How can we learn about this sacred balance from Mother Earth and from the cycles that exist everywhere in nature?

The magic of Beltane is about blessing and honoring all life. It's a time to appreciate what we already have in our lives. When we are grateful for what we have, we are open to receive even more.

Beltane is a time to connect with nature and to celebrate new life awakening around us. Spend some time today in nature. Listen to the birds sing. Feel the wind blow kisses across your face. Walk barefoot on the earth. Soak in the rays of the sun.

What kind of rituals can you create to honor this special day?
What things do you wish to grow and nurture in your life?
What are you grateful for?

May you all live the life of your dreams!
May you follow your true heart songs.
May your lives be filled with love, grace and beauty.

Happy Beltane beloved friends!


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